Source code for pydna.contig

import textwrap as _textwrap
import networkx as _nx
from pydna._pretty import pretty_str as _pretty_str
from pydna.dseqrecord import Dseqrecord as _Dseqrecord
from pydna.utils import rc as _rc

[docs]class Contig(_Dseqrecord): """This class holds information about a DNA assembly. This class is instantiated by the :class:`Assembly` class and is not meant to be used directly. """ def __init__(self, record, *args, graph=None, nodemap=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(record, *args, **kwargs) self.graph = graph self.nodemap = nodemap
[docs] @classmethod def from_string(cls, record: str = "", *args, graph=None, nodemap=None, **kwargs): obj = super().from_string(record, *args, **kwargs) obj.graph = graph obj.nodemap = nodemap return obj
[docs] @classmethod def from_SeqRecord(cls, record, *args, graph=None, nodemap=None, **kwargs): obj = super().from_SeqRecord(record, *args, **kwargs) obj.graph = graph obj.nodemap = nodemap return obj
def __repr__(self): return "Contig({}{})".format({True: "-", False: "o"}[self.linear], len(self)) def _repr_pretty_(self, p, cycle): """returns a short string representation of the object""" p.text("Contig({}{})".format({True: "-", False: "o"}[self.linear], len(self))) def _repr_html_(self): return "<pre>" + self.figure() + "</pre>"
[docs] def reverse_complement(self): answer = type(self)(super().reverse_complement()) g = _nx.DiGraph() nm = self.nodemap g.add_edges_from( [(nm[v], nm[u], d) for u, v, d in list(self.graph.edges(data=True))[::-1]] ) g.add_nodes_from((nm[n], d) for n, d in list(self.graph.nodes(data=True))[::-1]) for u, v, ed in g.edges(data=True): ed["name"] = ( ed["name"][:-3] if ed["name"].endswith("_rc") else "{}_rc".format(ed["name"])[:13] ) ed["seq"] = _rc(ed["seq"]) ln = len(ed["seq"]) start, stop = ed["piece"].start, ed["piece"].stop ed["piece"] = slice( ln - stop - g.nodes[u]["length"], ln - start - g.nodes[v]["length"] ) ed["features"] = [f._flip(ln) for f in ed["features"]] answer.graph = g answer.nodemap = {v: k for k, v in self.nodemap.items()} return answer
rc = reverse_complement
[docs] def detailed_figure(self): """Returns a text representation of the assembled fragments. Linear: :: acgatgctatactgCCCCCtgtgctgtgctcta TGTGCTGTGCTCTA tgtgctgtgctctaTTTTTtattctggctgtatc Circular: :: |||||||||||||| acgatgctatactgCCCCCtgtgctgtgctcta TGTGCTGTGCTCTA tgtgctgtgctctaTTTTTtattctggctgtatc TATTCTGGCTGTATC tattctggctgtatcGGGGGtacgatgctatactg ACGATGCTATACTG """ fig = "" fragmentposition = 0 nodeposition = 0 mylist = [] for u, v, e in self.graph.edges(data=True): nodeposition += e["piece"].stop - e["piece"].start fragmentposition -= e["piece"].start mylist.append([fragmentposition, e["seq"]]) mylist.append([nodeposition, v.upper()]) fragmentposition += e["piece"].stop if self.circular: edges = list(self.graph.edges(data=True)) nodeposition = edges[0][2]["piece"].start nodelength = len(v) mylist = [[nodeposition, "|" * nodelength]] + mylist else: mylist = mylist[:-1] firstpos = -1 * min(0, min(mylist)[0]) for p, s in mylist: fig += "{}{}\n".format(" " * (p + firstpos), s) return _pretty_str(fig)
[docs] def figure(self): r"""Compact ascii representation of the assembled fragments. Each fragment is represented by: :: Size of common 5' substring|Name and size of DNA fragment| Size of common 5' substring Linear: :: frag20| 6 \\/ /\\ 6|frag23| 6 \\/ /\\ 6|frag14 Circular: :: -|2577|61 | \\/ | /\\ | 61|5681|98 | \\/ | /\\ | 98|2389|557 | \\/ | /\\ | 557- | | -------------------------- """ nodes = list(self.graph.nodes(data=True)) edges = list(self.graph.edges(data=True)) if self.linear: r""" frag20| 6 \/ /\ 6|frag23| 6 \/ /\ 6|frag14 """ f = edges[0] space2 = len(f[2]["name"]) fig = ("{name}|{o2:>2}\n" "{space2} \\/\n" "{space2} /\\\n").format( name=f[2]["name"], o2=nodes[1][1]["length"], space2=" " * space2 ) space = space2 # len( for i, f in enumerate(edges[1:-1]): name = "{o1:>2}|{name}|".format( o1=nodes[i + 1][1]["length"], name=f[2]["name"] ) space2 = len(name) fig += ( "{space} {name}{o2:>2}\n" "{space} {space2}\\/\n" "{space} {space2}/\\\n" ).format( name=name, o2=nodes[i + 2][1]["length"], space=" " * space, space2=" " * space2, ) space += space2 f = edges[-1] fig += ("{space} {o1:>2}|{name}").format( name=f[2]["name"], o1=nodes[-2][1]["length"], space=" " * (space) ) else: # circular r""" -|2577|61 | \/ | /\ | 61|5681|98 | \/ | /\ | 98|2389|557 | \/ | /\ | 557- | | -------------------------- """ nodes.append(nodes[0]) f = edges[0] space = len(f[2]["name"]) + 3 fig = (" -|{name}|{o2:>2}\n" "|{space}\\/\n" "|{space}/\\\n").format( name=f[2]["name"], o2=nodes[1][1]["length"], space=" " * space ) for i, f in enumerate(edges[1:]): name = "{o1:>2}|{name}|".format( o1=nodes[i + 1][1]["length"], name=f[2]["name"] ) space2 = len(name) fig += ( "|{space}{name}{o2:>2}\n" "|{space}{space2}\\/\n" "|{space}{space2}/\\\n" ).format( o2=nodes[i + 2][1]["length"], name=name, space=" " * space, space2=" " * space2, ) space += space2 fig += "|{space}{o1:>2}-\n".format( space=" " * (space), o1=nodes[0][1]["length"] ) fig += "|{space} |\n".format(space=" " * (space)) fig += " {space}".format(space="-" * (space + 3)) return _pretty_str(_textwrap.dedent(fig))
if __name__ == "__main__": import os as _os cached = _os.getenv("pydna_cached_funcs", "") _os.environ["pydna_cached_funcs"] = "" import doctest doctest.testmod(verbose=True, optionflags=doctest.ELLIPSIS) _os.environ["pydna_cached_funcs"] = cached