Source code for pydna.seqrecord

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright 2013-2020 by Björn Johansson.  All rights reserved.
# This code is part of the Python-dna distribution and governed by its
# license.  Please see the LICENSE.txt file that should have been included
# as part of this package.

A subclass of the Biopython SeqRecord class.

Has a number of extra methods and uses
the :class:`pydna._pretty_str.pretty_str` class instread of str for a
nicer output in the IPython shell.

from pydna.seqfeature import SeqFeature as _SeqFeature
from pydna._pretty import pretty_str as _pretty_str
# from pydna.utils import seguid as _seg
from pydna.common_sub_strings import common_sub_strings as _common_sub_strings

from Bio.Data.CodonTable import TranslationError as _TranslationError
from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord as _SeqRecord
from Bio.SeqFeature import FeatureLocation as _FeatureLocation
from pydna.seq import Seq as _Seq
from pydna._pretty import PrettyTable as _PrettyTable

import re as _re
import pickle as _pickle
from copy import copy as _copy

from pydna import _PydnaWarning
from warnings import warn as _warn

import logging as _logging
import datetime

_module_logger = _logging.getLogger("pydna." + __name__)

[docs]class SeqRecord(_SeqRecord): """ A subclass of the Biopython SeqRecord class. Has a number of extra methods and uses the :class:`pydna._pretty_str.pretty_str` class instread of str for a nicer output in the IPython shell. """ def __init__(self, *args, id="id", name="name", description="description", **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, id = id, name = name, description = description, **kwargs) self._fix_attributes() def _fix_attributes(self): = _pretty_str( = _pretty_str( self.description = _pretty_str(self.description) self.annotations.update({"molecule_type": "DNA"}) self.map_target = None if not hasattr(self.seq, "transcribe"): self.seq = _Seq(self.seq) self.seq._data = b"".join(self.seq._data.split()) # remove whitespaces self.annotations = {_pretty_str(k): _pretty_str(v) for k, v in self.annotations.items()}
[docs] @classmethod def from_Bio_SeqRecord(clc, sr: _SeqRecord): """Creates a pydnaSeqRecord from a Biopython SeqRecord.""" #\ # class-of-a-python-object-casting sr.__class__ = clc sr._fix_attributes() return sr
@property def locus(self): """Alias for name property.""" return @locus.setter def locus(self, value): """Alias for name property.""" if len(value) > 16: shortvalue = value[:16] _warn( ("locus property {} truncated" "to 16 chars {}").format(value, shortvalue), _PydnaWarning, stacklevel=2, ) value = shortvalue = value return @property def accession(self): """Alias for id property.""" return @accession.setter def accession(self, value): """Alias for id property.""" = value return @property def definition(self): """Alias for description property.""" return self.description @definition.setter def definition(self, value): """Alias for id property.""" self.description = value return
[docs] def reverse_complement(self, *args, **kwargs): """Return the reverse complement of the sequence.""" answer = super().reverse_complement(*args, **kwargs) answer = type(self).from_Bio_SeqRecord(answer) return answer
[docs] def isorf(self, table=1): """Detect if sequence is an open reading frame (orf) in the 5'-3'. direction. Translation tables are numbers according to the NCBI numbering [#]_. Parameters ---------- table : int Sets the translation table, default is 1 (standard code) Returns ------- bool True if sequence is an orf, False otherwise. Examples -------- >>> from pydna.seqrecord import SeqRecord >>> a=SeqRecord("atgtaa") >>> a.isorf() True >>> b=SeqRecord("atgaaa") >>> b.isorf() False >>> c=SeqRecord("atttaa") >>> c.isorf() False References ---------- .. [#] """ try: self.seq.translate(table=table, cds=True) except _TranslationError: return False else: return True
[docs] def add_colors_to_features_for_ape(self): """Assign colors to features. compatible with the `ApE editor <>`_. """ cols = ( "#66ffa3", "#84ff66", "#e0ff66", "#ffc166", "#ff6666", "#ff99d6", "#ea99ff", "#ad99ff", "#99c1ff", "#99ffff", "#99ffc1", "#adff99", "#eaff99", "#ffd699", "#ff9999", "#ffccea", "#f4ccff", "#d6ccff", "#cce0ff", "#ccffff", "#ccffe0", "#d6ffcc", "#f4ffcc", "#ffeacc", "#ffcccc", "#ff66c1", "#e066ff", "#8466ff", "#66a3ff", "#66ffff", ) for i, f in enumerate(self.features): f.qualifiers["ApEinfo_fwdcolor"] = [cols[i % len(cols)]] f.qualifiers["ApEinfo_revcolor"] = [cols[::-1][i % len(cols)]]
[docs] def add_feature( self, x=None, y=None, seq=None, type_="misc", strand=1, *args, **kwargs): """Add a feature of type misc to the feature list of the sequence. Parameters ---------- x : int Indicates start of the feature y : int Indicates end of the feature Examples -------- >>> from pydna.seqrecord import SeqRecord >>> a=SeqRecord("atgtaa") >>> a.features [] >>> a.add_feature(2,4) >>> a.features [SeqFeature(SimpleLocation(ExactPosition(2), ExactPosition(4), strand=1), type='misc', qualifiers=...)] """ qualifiers = {} qualifiers.update(kwargs) if seq: if hasattr(seq, "seq"): seq = seq.seq if hasattr(seq, "watson"): seq = str(seq.watson).lower() else: seq = str(seq).lower() else: seq = str(seq).lower() x = self.seq.lower().find(seq) if x == -1: raise TypeError("Could not find {}".format(seq)) y = x + len(seq) else: x = x or 0 y = y or len(self) if "label" not in qualifiers: qualifiers["label"] = ["ft{}".format(y - x)] if self[x:y].isorf() or self[x:y].reverse_complement().isorf(): qualifiers["label"] = ["orf{}".format(y - x)] sf = _SeqFeature(_FeatureLocation(x, y, strand=strand), type=type_, qualifiers=qualifiers) self.features.append(sf) # location=None, # type='', # location_operator='', # strand=None, # id="<unknown id>", # qualifiers=None, # sub_features=None, # ref=None, # ref_db=None """ In [11]: a.seq.translate() Out[11]: Seq('K', ExtendedIUPACProtein()) """
[docs] def list_features(self): """Print ASCII table with all features. Examples -------- >>> from pydna.seq import Seq >>> from pydna.seqrecord import SeqRecord >>> a=SeqRecord(Seq("atgtaa")) >>> a.add_feature(2,4) >>> print(a.list_features()) +-----+---------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+------+------+ | Ft# | Label or Note | Dir | Sta | End | Len | type | orf? | +-----+---------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+------+------+ | 0 | L:ft2 | --> | 2 | 4 | 2 | misc | no | +-----+---------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+------+------+ """ x = _PrettyTable( ["Ft#", "Label or Note", "Dir", "Sta", "End", "Len", "type", "orf?"] ) x.align["Ft#"] = "r" # Left align x.align["Label or Note"] = "l" # Left align x.align["Len"] = "r" x.align["Sta"] = "l" x.align["End"] = "l" x.align["type"] = "l" x.padding_width = 1 # One space between column edges and contents for i, sf in enumerate(self.features): try: lbl = sf.qualifiers["label"] except KeyError: try: lbl = sf.qualifiers["note"] except KeyError: lbl = "nd" else: lbl = "N:{}".format(" ".join(lbl).strip()) else: lbl = "L:{}".format(" ".join(lbl).strip()) x.add_row( [ i, lbl[:16], {1: "-->", -1: "<--", 0: "---", None: "---"}[sf.strand], sf.location.start, sf.location.end, len(sf), sf.type, {True: "yes", False: "no"}[ self.extract_feature(i).isorf() or self.extract_feature(i).reverse_complement().isorf() ], ] ) return x
[docs] def extract_feature(self, n): """Extract feature and return a new SeqRecord object. Parameters ---------- n : int Indicates the feature to extract Examples -------- >>> from pydna.seqrecord import SeqRecord >>> a=SeqRecord("atgtaa") >>> a.add_feature(2,4) >>> b=a.extract_feature(0) >>> b SeqRecord(seq=Seq('gt'), id='ft2', name='part_name', description='description', dbxrefs=[]) """ return self.features[n].extract(self)
[docs] def sorted_features(self): """Return a list of the features sorted by start position. Examples -------- >>> from pydna.seqrecord import SeqRecord >>> a=SeqRecord("atgtaa") >>> a.add_feature(3,4) >>> a.add_feature(2,4) >>> print(a.features) [SeqFeature(SimpleLocation(ExactPosition(3), ExactPosition(4), strand=1), type='misc', qualifiers=...), SeqFeature(SimpleLocation(ExactPosition(2), ExactPosition(4), strand=1), type='misc', qualifiers=...)] >>> print(a.sorted_features()) [SeqFeature(SimpleLocation(ExactPosition(2), ExactPosition(4), strand=1), type='misc', qualifiers=...), SeqFeature(SimpleLocation(ExactPosition(3), ExactPosition(4), strand=1), type='misc', qualifiers=...)] """ return sorted(self.features, key=lambda x: x.location.start)
[docs] def useguid(self): """Return the url safe SEGUID [#]_ for the sequence. This checksum is the same as seguid but with base64.urlsafe encoding instead of the normal base 64. This means that the characters + and / are replaced with - and _ so that the checksum can be a part of and URL or a filename. Examples -------- >>> from pydna.seqrecord import SeqRecord >>> a=SeqRecord("aaaaaaa") >>> a.useguid() # original seguid is +bKGnebMkia5kNg/gF7IORXMnIU '-bKGnebMkia5kNg_gF7IORXMnIU' References ---------- .. [#] """ return self.seq.useguid()
[docs] def comment(self, newcomment=""): """docstring.""" result = self.annotations.get("comment", "") if newcomment: self.annotations["comment"] = (result + "\n" + newcomment).strip() result = _pretty_str(self.annotations["comment"]) return result
[docs] def datefunction(): """docstring.""" return
[docs] def stamp(self, algorithm, now=datefunction, tool="pydna", separator=" ", comment=""): """Add a uSEGUID or cSEGUID checksum. The checksum is stored in object.annotations["comment"]. This shows in the COMMENTS section of a formatted genbank file. For blunt linear sequences: ``SEGUID <seguid>`` For circular sequences: ``cSEGUID <seguid>`` Fore linear sequences which are not blunt: ``lSEGUID <seguid>`` Examples -------- >>> from pydna.seqrecord import SeqRecord >>> a = SeqRecord("aa") >>> a.stamp("uSEGUID") 'gBw0Jp907Tg_yX3jNgS4qQWttjU' >>> a.annotations["comment"][:41] 'pydna uSEGUID gBw0Jp907Tg_yX3jNgS4qQWttjU' """ oldcomment = self.annotations.get("comment", "") algorithm = _re.sub("seguid", "SEGUID", algorithm, flags=_re.IGNORECASE) chksum = getattr(self.seq, algorithm.lower())() pattern = (r"(?i)(?P<algorithm>(c|l|u)?SEGUID)" r"(?:_|\s|:){1,5}(?P<sha1>\S{27})" r"(?P<iso>(?:\s([1-9][0-9]*)?[0-9]{4})-(1[0-2]|0[1-9])-" r"(3[01]|0[1-9]|[12][0-9])T(2[0-3]|[01][0-9]):([0-5][0-9])" r":([0-5][0-9])(\.[0-9]+)?(Z|[+-](?:2[0-3]|[01][0-9]):" r"[0-5][0-9])?)?") oldstamp =, oldcomment) if oldstamp: old_stamp = old_algorithm ="algorithm") old_chksum ="sha1") old_iso ="iso") if chksum == old_chksum and algorithm == old_algorithm: return _pretty_str( else: _warn(f"Stamp change.\nNew: {algorithm} {chksum}\nOld: {old_stamp}", _PydnaWarning) # now = self.annotations["comment"] = (f"{oldcomment}\n" f"{tool} {algorithm} {chksum} {now()} {comment}").strip() return _pretty_str(chksum)
[docs] def lcs(self, other, *args, limit=25, **kwargs): """Return the longest common substring between the sequence. and another sequence (other). The other sequence can be a string, Seq, SeqRecord, Dseq or DseqRecord. The method returns a SeqFeature with type "read" as this method is mostly used to map sequence reads to the sequence. This can be changed by passing a type as keyword with some other string value. Examples -------- >>> from pydna.seqrecord import SeqRecord >>> a = SeqRecord("GGATCC") >>> a.lcs("GGATCC", limit=6) SeqFeature(SimpleLocation(ExactPosition(0), ExactPosition(6), strand=1), type='read', qualifiers=...) >>> a.lcs("GATC", limit=4) SeqFeature(SimpleLocation(ExactPosition(1), ExactPosition(5), strand=1), type='read', qualifiers=...) >>> a = SeqRecord("CCCCC") >>> a.lcs("GGATCC", limit=6) SeqFeature(None) """ # longest_common_substring # if hasattr(other, "seq"): r = other.seq if hasattr(r, "watson"): r = str(r.watson).lower() else: r = str(r).lower() else: r = str(other.lower()) olaps = _common_sub_strings(str(self.seq).lower(), r, limit=limit or 25) try: start_in_self, start_in_other, length = olaps.pop(0) except IndexError: result = _SeqFeature() else: label = "sequence" if not hasattr(other, "name") else result = _SeqFeature( _FeatureLocation(start_in_self, start_in_self + length, strand=1), type=kwargs.get("type") or "read", qualifiers={ "label": [kwargs.get("label") or label], "ApEinfo_fwdcolor": ["#DAFFCF"], "ApEinfo_revcolor": ["#DFFDFF"], }, ) return result
[docs] def gc(self): """Return GC content.""" return self.seq.gc()
[docs] def cai(self, organism="sce"): """docstring.""" return self.seq.cai(organism=organism)
[docs] def rarecodons(self, organism="sce"): """docstring.""" sfs = [] for slc in self.seq.rarecodons(organism): cdn = self.seq._data[slc].decode("ASCII") sfs.append(_SeqFeature(_FeatureLocation(slc.start, slc.stop), type=f"rare_codon_{organism}", qualifiers={"label": [cdn]})) return sfs
[docs] def startcodon(self, organism="sce"): """docstring.""" return self.seq.startcodon()
[docs] def stopcodon(self, organism="sce"): """docstring.""" return self.seq.stopcodon()
[docs] def express(self, organism="sce"): """docstring.""" return
[docs] def copy(self): """docstring.""" return _copy(self)
def __lt__(self, other): """docstring.""" try: return str(self.seq) < str(other.seq) except AttributeError: # I don't know how to compare to other return NotImplemented def __gt__(self, other): """docstring.""" try: return str(self.seq) > str(other.seq) except AttributeError: # I don't know how to compare to other return NotImplemented def __eq__(self, other): """docstring.""" try: if (self.seq == other.seq and str(self.__dict__) == str(other.__dict__)): return True except AttributeError: pass return False def __ne__(self, other): """docstring.""" return not self.__eq__(other) def __hash__(self): """__hash__ must be based on __eq__.""" return hash((str(self.seq).lower(), str(tuple(sorted(self.__dict__.items()))))) def __str__(self): """docstring.""" return _pretty_str(super().__str__()) def __repr__(self): """docstring.""" return _pretty_str(super().__repr__()) def __format__(self, format): """docstring.""" return _pretty_str(super().__format__(format)) def __add__(self, other): """docstring.""" answer = super().__add__(other) if == "<unknown name>": = "name" if == "<unknown id>": = "id" if answer.description == "<unknown description>": answer.description = "description" answer = type(self).from_Bio_SeqRecord(answer) return answer def __getitem__(self, index): """docstring.""" from pydna.utils import ( identifier_from_string as _identifier_from_string, ) # TODO: clean this up answer = super().__getitem__(index) if len(answer) < 2: return answer identifier = "part_{id}".format( if answer.features: sf = max(answer.features, key=len) # default if "label" in sf.qualifiers: identifier = " ".join(sf.qualifiers["label"]) elif "note" in sf.qualifiers: identifier = " ".join(sf.qualifiers["note"]) = _identifier_from_string(identifier)[:16] = _identifier_from_string(f"part_{}")[:16] return answer def __bool__(self): """Boolean value of an instance of this class (True). This behaviour is for backwards compatibility, since until the __len__ method was added, a SeqRecord always evaluated as True. Note that in comparison, a Seq object will evaluate to False if it has a zero length sequence. WARNING: The SeqRecord may in future evaluate to False when its sequence is of zero length (in order to better match the Seq object behaviour)! """ return bool(self.seq)
[docs] def dump(self, filename, protocol=None): """docstring.""" from pathlib import Path pth = Path(filename) if not pth.suffix: pth = pth.with_suffix(".pickle") with open(pth, 'wb') as f: _pickle.dump(self, f, protocol=protocol) return _pretty_str(pth)
if __name__ == "__main__": import os as _os cached = _os.getenv("pydna_cached_funcs", "") _os.environ["pydna_cached_funcs"] = "" import doctest doctest.testmod(verbose=True, optionflags=(doctest.ELLIPSIS | doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE)) _os.environ["pydna_cached_funcs"] = cached